The Journey of the Heart


The Journey of the Heart – What we get from learning about the heart is its concept of unconditional love. It works your whole life to keep you healthy. Its existence is about service, service to your body. With the cells innate ability to embrace environments that are life supporting verses threatening, we have the foundation for not only our being, but a universal philosophy of service, compassion and healings with love. The Journey of the Heart is about learning about this process and then following what your heart tells you to do. In summary, it is the adage of doing what you love. It is about following your passion. Your heart will tell you what to do with the help of your soul and it is much more intelligent than your brain. Your heart pumps blood and keeps you alive. It creates the movement of energy in your body, which is our definition of emotion, i.e. energy in motion. Your heart is affected by the way that you think, feel and behave, but only when it is out of aligment with what your heart tells you do to. The heart’s intelligence comes from its toroidal energy field that surrounds the body to sense what it needs to do to protect you. It is millions of times faster than the brain and it multitasks. Your heart is very present and it connects with the world around you. Just learn how to read the heart and do what it says to enjoy life.


God’s Love – One of the best ways to learn about love is the heart’s toroidal energy field and its multitask abilities. We initially study this in the SOL Workshops form the teachings ofHeartMath, an organization set up to tell you how to tap into the heart’s energy. It is located in California and the author and friends have had tremendous experiences with them and their products. We will look at what they teach about heart coherence from a personal, organizational, social, political and global coherence. If you just follow principles that they recommend or similiar materials, many of your problems would go away because when you align the heart with the brain, things in your body become coherent and that is when you tap into your ture power. Now if we can only get our politicians to embrace love and unity verses the ego and unconsciousness, life would be totally different. This requires a higher level of consciousness, than what is used today. Thank God for the SOL Religion!

God’s Archetypes – God gave us a heart and the heart fuels your emotions. When two people are in love facing each other, their egg shaped auras merge together into the shape of a heart. The concept of 7 chakras and the heart go hand in hand. It shows up as energy in 7 colors of the rainbow. In the 7 notes in music. Seven became the anciuent God’s favorite number and the Bible talks about creating the world in six days and on the 7th he rested. So 7 became the week and there are seven parts in a typical toroidal energy field that symbolizes life around the heart. The other great archetype is 11:11, which stands for the flow of hierarchy energy in love, light, life and living, which is the esseence of the tools in the SOL’s Holy Grail.

The Way to Empowerment – The way to empowerment is to act the way that your body has been designed. Our billions of cells all work togehter to keep us healthy. There is cooperation and commitment. There is unconditional love. Being in tune with your body is the essence of empowerment. When taken out into relationships, its helping others and service, without an expectation of anything in return. One of our biggest problems today is that we think life is about Darwinism, the survival of the fittest. We our bodies tell a totally different story. It survives through cooperation and cohesion. Working together as one, is so much more powerful than embracing the ego and separation from God’s integirty and unity in nature. Empowerment realizes this.

The Holy Grail – The Holy Grail in the SOL Religion is about healing with love. Love heals as it brings God’s energy into every part of the body. It is God’s energy that makes us alive and when it is allowed to flow freely, the Tao, it heals by connecting God’s Love, which is energy, to the part of your body that is lacking energy. You can easily determine if your body is healthy by its pH. You cells need an alkaline environment of around 7.4 on the water pH sacale to be healthy. If you pH is acidic, below 7, you will be suseptibel to disease. So increassing your energy through love is the essence of healing. Learning how to do this is the Holy Grail as it produces a rejuvination to parts that are blocked.

God’s Commandments – The love commandment is to get our heart and brain to function as one, when you do, you tap into God’s intelligence and maximize your potential. Our favorite set of technique to do through visualization and affirmations. It has many names such as HeartMath’s Freezeframe method or numerous types of breathing meditations, but the end result is the same. Its about integrating your heart’s energy frequencies with the brain. It is about making everything coherent. The heart is the way to do it in your interaction with yourself and other people. When you do it with nature, you find the SOL’s definition of peace.It is very easy to practice visualizing a happy moment in your life and then integrate that felling with your consciousness. We do it numerous times during the day, especially when we read the news and listen to the lies of politicians. Some may call it dreaming, but, its just a recall of a past event.

God’s Magic – God’s Magicfor love is being present and embracing the emotion of love. This involves the sharing of your unconditional feelings with the world. This is the best way to be in relationships and resonate with nature, One way to do this is through forgiveness. Nothing blocks your love energy more than than trying to get revenge. It drains your life force for postivie things in your life. Trying to understand why things occur and having compassion also contribute to love’s magic. Love is located in your fourth chakra and you can easily feel what state you are in from just feeling the beating of your heart.

The Path to Enlightenment – We define enlightenmnet as self love. You have to love yourself if you expect to unconditionally love another. You can try and substitute your feelings of love for another, and that is fine, but it starts within you. Love is your core connection to God. It is more than a feeling, its a state of being, where you see the world as all being connected and one with the universe. It is the portal to peace and being all that you can be. Self love is a true expression of who you are and is filled with the joy of being alive. We love watching beautiful sunsets and being in environments such as near the beach, pristine lakes and mountains to feel alive and thus activate your self love.

The Love & Peace Platform- Love principles are pretty straight forward, you do what makes you feel good. Call it intuition or a higher connection to God, when you following your heart feelings it transcends reason and makes you more conscious. As part of this process, you have to open up to loving yourself. Sometimes, it is easy to love others and deny addressing your own issues, which often center around loving yourself. The reason for this is some experience in the past, such as sexual abuse or not meeting the standards you parents or others have set for you, cause you to fail. You got to get over this as loving yourself should be instinctive, such as loving your child and being with an animal. Love is universal and one of the most precious qualities in life.

In Philadelphia, often called the city of brotherly love, they have a peace park that uses the love symbol that we have used. The thing that amazed the author was how small it was. For a city of love, it could have been much bigger! Anyways, we use a wedding ring to symbolize the commitment of two people to unconditional love, where what they do, they do it because they are one. The circle in the ring stands for unity and the diamond for beauty and strength. That is what love is all about. The unfortunate thing is, most people’s definition of love is the aniimalistic sexual drive, which is totally different than the love in the SOL Religion. One is non-life supporting and the other is a high state of oneness with God and the world around you. The SOL’s definition of heart felt emotions are something that your do naturally that makes you feel good. It could be singing a song or dancing with your partners. It might be writing a poem or expressing yourself in your diary or a letter/email to someone else. These actions bring joy to your heart. We love expressing our thanks in prayers of gratitude often waking up each day and before we go to bed. It is almost a ritual to express thanks to things that we enjoy, such as good company and fine food at dinner. Probably the most notable heart felt emotion, when done through love is marriage. It works when the partners are unconditionally in love with each other. Love and joy is contagious and that is one of the great reasons to embrace hearth felt positive emotions such as service to others.