
Spiritual Culture

We wish that
Your living will be conscious with light
And that you embrace your SOL each and every night
For its all about God and true insight
That develops your spirit and natural birthright

God’s Spiritual Operating System consists of 64 energy based Scriptures. They manifest as God’s Social Opearting System in the Holy Grial and the Love and Peace Plateform. These two SOSs, are here to help you navigate through life, like the ships at sea who seek to reach dry land. They give you the tools that you need to develop your potential and to socially intearct with others. They are built on the flow of energy in love, light, life and living, which we abbreviate as 11:11 which is the inter-dimansion portal to finding love and peace.

The Holy Grail is a three dimensional spiral that takes the shape of the wooden cup that held Jesus’ blood after the cruxifican. The phi spirial is how God manifests life in the universe in toroidal energy fields and the shape of galaxies. Here are the themes in the Holy Grail.

Making Things Work
Spiritual Vaalues
All That You Can Be
One Simple Truth
The Magic Formula
Finding True Meaning
Healing With Love
The Art of Creation

The way to love and peace is through realizing that we are all connected to God through our core star of light and as such, we are all SOL Brothers and Sisters that share ebergt equally and all follow the same Way to Empowerment and Path to Enlightenment. Here aer the themes in the Love and Peace Platform.

We are all SOL Brothers and Sisters
Use the Universal Bill of Rights
Embrace the Principles of Consciousness
Sensible Practices
Use The Soul Perspective
Practice God Rituals
Embrace Love Practices
Use Peace Principles