The Journey of Spirituality


The Journey of Spirituality – The Journey of Spirituality is a derivative of the Journey of Divinity and Consciousness.You need to know about how your body processes energy and then you have to be conscious enough to use higher levels of consciousness embedded in nature and how your chakras process this energy. The reason for this foundation is that we define spirituality as the use of energy for health, happiness and well being and you can’t do this, if you are not aware of what is involved. Traditional beliefs such as Buddhism has you detach from material possessions and go within. There is nothing wrong with this, as God is within each of us, but we take it further and assoicate the whole process of spirituality as getting contact with your higher self (soul), you guides, elders, teachers, soul mates and Archangels. Spirituality has many dimensions to it as it is basically about letting your energy flow as in the Tao.


God’s Love – An important aspect of spirituality is God’s spirit, which we call energy and to develop your potential, which is equivalent to maximizing your spirit. We caterizie this process as one of embracing higher levels of conscious beliefs, such as love and peace, using your mental powers with a positive attidute, expressing your emotions as you feel and taking care of your body. Levels of consciousness cover the beliefs, thoughts and feelings, but you have to eat, rest, exercise and do things that keep you healthy. We like embracing the earth’s Schumann frequency, eathing high vibrational foods that are oganic and drink only healthy vibrational water. We also like to keep your mitocondria receiving maximum energy through deutrerium depleted water.

God’s Archetypes – We are earth beings and Mother Earth supplies us with life supporting ecosystems. Its ecosystems and diversity keeps us alive. Concepts like integrity and wholesomeness are keep components. Traditionally, the earth was navigated by the four corners of a square with its north, east, south and west. It has been expanded to a yearly cycle of soltices and equinoxes and the four seasons for planeting, grown, harvesting and rebirth. Earth’s cycles are the foundation four our cycles and simple day and night, light and dark moments are all archetypes that can be used for spiritual purposes. We like tying earth rituals like cycles into birthdays, holidays and celebrations.

The Way to Empowerment – Is to let your energy flow. In practice, its about removing blockages from the time your were birthed as a soul, to past lives and your current life. It is a big project as you have to identify what you have to heal and let your energy flow. Because of our ego, we often deny that something is wrong. Then there are those with vested interests in letting our energy become blocked like companies that sell toxic food and things that cause addition from drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and sugar. Then polluters of air, land and sea. We basically have to work in a world that reduces your potential by reducing your energy. That is one main reason for a new universal belief system that we can all agree upon and help change things. A key component of empowerment is changing things for the better.

The Holy Grail – The spiritual Holy Grail is the use of fire, air, water and earth to categorize things that you have to deal with on earth. Fire is your spirit and connection to the soul world and its higher dimensions. Its your connection to God and your SOL. Air is the life force chi/prana that you breath from the sun and earth’s dynamics. It needs to be healthy and unpolluted. Water is the key ingredient fro consciousness as it has memory properties and all the secrets to good health that mixed with the unspoiled products that earth can produce, will give you a long and healthy life. We use the elements to categorize the problems that we face on earth as it makes it easy to remember what you are dealing with in addressing life’s problems.

God’s Commandments – The only God Commandment for spirituality is to let spirituality be your guide. Everything that you do, should maximize your energy and help develop your potential. So when you learn about your body, you have to learn how it produces energy such as through exercies. Then you have to learn how it flows through your facia and meridians into the organs and cells in your body. Ultimately, you want energy to go into the energy centers in your cell’s energy centers called mitocondria. This will require removing blockages such as toxins, heavy medals, and eliminating energy restrictive foods. Finally, you have to learn how to relax and letting stress through mediative practices and physical exercises.

God’s Magic – God’s Magic for spirituality is our body’s ability to heal itslelf. Doctors give us things to solve our problems, but the source of our problems is what has to be addressed. Our societies use negative thoughts, emotions and behavior to control us, affect our feelings and have use eat and live in unhealthy products and settings. Violence and crime give us negative experiences as well as unconscious acts such as sexual abuse and many religious teachings. To get our energy to flow, we have to address these restrictive practices and heal our bodys. The practice of spirituality makes us whole again. All of the mindless acts of humanity give the soul a tremendous range of learning lessons and that is great for our soul, but it causes tremendous damage to our environments and health.

The Path to Enlightenment – The Path to Enlightenment is anything that gets you closer to God. In the end, it is the merging your body’s energies with God Our Creator. During each of the soul’s incarnations, it has to work on picking up the missing energies that it needs from when it was created. We group this process into having your soul and body embrace energy flowing beliefs in yourthoughts, feelings and behavior. It is a continual process that often takes many lifetimes and experiences, but if you work at it, every step along the way can be quite rewarding as it moves you closer to love and peace, which,\ gets you more into God’s light, which is the essence of enlightenment..

The Love & Peace Platform- for spirituality is the use of sensible spiritual practices. There are a lot of energy techniques such as breathing, relaxing, mediating and detaching from false beliefs. There is only so much that you can do, so its important to prioritize what is important. Everone should start with getting the amount of deep sleep you need to rejuvinate. Then you have to look at your diet and your meals during the day. Only eat healthy organic foods and non-toxic natural water. Then structure your life so that you can exerices and integratre with nature in walks and outings. Sensible relates to the five senses in the SOL Religion, so categorize your senergy enhancing activities into your taste (food), smell (environment), hearing (music and sound), touch (body and exercises) and sight (nature and color).

In our three vertical pictures, we have some of the important themes in spirituality. The top illustration is the soul world sending sending souls and energy into your body, Each incarnating soul has a life theme and its own set of learning lessons. Most of the souls on earth are beginning souls, so they need a lot of help from guides and their soul mates. The soul merges its energy with our SOL in the second illustration light in the body is where the SOL is located. The the star tetrahedron is one of the many sacred geoemtry structures of cosnciousness around your body. In the SOL Religion, it stands for consciousness. The sage bundle reminds us of the imporance of rituals and the many techniques to help us connection to sun, moon, heaven and earth. Spirituality is not only a practice, but a set of rituals that help us access the principles of energy, such as exercise, dance, song and music.