The Path to God
And God created mankind
in his image: Genesis 1:27
per The Holy Bible
This God was created by the
God that put energy into the
The principles of the SOL Religion come from the systems of energy, our connection to God called our core star of light, consciousness, spirit, soul, mental, emotional and physical characterists. Here is how we categorize them.
Spiritual Literacy – To gain spiritual litearcy, we introduce you to the terms used in defining energy and its use for health, happiness and well being, which is our defintion of spirituality.
Spiritual Knowledge- In the SOL Religion, we develop spiritual knowledge from the concept of numbers, the energy arrangements of sacred geometry and our biological connections to the cosmos.
Spiritual Practice- This is the use of energy for empowerment and enlightenment that comes from the flow of energy in Our SOL, Consciousness, Spirit, Soul the mental, emotional and physical. dimensions
Spiritual Culture – This is the way that we interact with each other. To quantify this, we introduce the Holy Grail with its Tao flow of 11:11 energy and the Love and Peace Platform for all mankind.
The Practices are the best useof each principle and we call them secrets. There are specific secrets to develop our energy through our, SOL, consciousness, spirit, soul, mental, emotioanal and physical dimensions.
The Holy Scriptures – Holy means related to God and in the SOL Religion, God is energy. So we call God’s best practices, God’s Holy Scriptures as its about truth and they are absolute. They stand the test of time.
Basic Truths – When you are dealing with the God that put energy into the universe, everything is absolute and truthful. There are no churchs to interpret what God said and our soul incarnates with Karma, but not sin.
The Tao – The Tao is the second most popular book in human history behind the Bible. It can be read in an hour or two and it captures the concepts of the flow of energy, embedded in nature. Thse are practices we follow.
Love/Peace- Raising our levels of consciousness to that of love and peace is one of the major goals of the SOL Religion. We define love and peace the same way that the Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research does, in their Human Map of Consciousness.