The SOL University: One Love


The SOL Religion
The Path to God

The Path to Personal Development

The Path to God, be it the God in the Bible or the God that put energy into the universe is the same. It is about becoming literate, gaining knowledge, putting this knowledge into practice and participating in a culture based on what you believe in. This sequence of having a belief, developing your awareness (metal abilities), putting it into practice (emotions: energy in motion) and being part of a group of like minded people or cells/organs, applies to the body, business, organizations, religion, political parties and social groups. Its universal! For the God in the Bible, these Gods had a purpose for us in creating us in their image (Genesis 1:27). They thought this out and put it into practice. We became their slaves, worked for them and behaved as they dictated such as the Ten Commandments. In the SOL Religion, One Love, since we deal with using energy/God’s spirit for health, happiness and well beings, its about becoming spiritually literate, gaining spiritual knowledge, using it in spiritual practice and then being part of a spiritual culture embracing your thoughts, feelings and behavior. We symbolize this with the SOL Star and its SOL Mandala in its center.

Our SOL Connections

The SOL Religion One Love is about the Bible and The Tao. It is about the ancient Gods called the Anunnaki and the modern day interpretations of how to use energy for health, happiness and well being. Its focus is on developing your potential, not worshiping Ancient Gods or religion in the traditional sense. It got its name from your core star of light near located near the center of your body that connects you to God, the God that put energy into the universe. This SOL fuels your hara, which the soul uses to incarnate, place its life’s lessons in your chest, develop its will in your tan tien center near you belly button and grounds itself into Mother Earth. We define spirituality as the use of energy for health, happiness and well being, which are the major components of developing your potential. It defines God’s Love as the energy God Our Creator put into the universe that we study through our SOL, Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, Mental, Emotional and Physical dimensions of our makeup.The first two SOL workshops are Genesis, The Beginning, where we talk about the beginning of earth, the Ancient Gods, the homo sapiens species and the Bible. The second workshop is Exodus – Freedom, whereby we break with our past and use the different concepts of energy to free ourselves so that we can focus on our interaction with nature and not worship Gods who are no longer here.

The Path to Personal Development is the exploration of the different planes of energy that develop our potential It consists of seven journeys where we explore the components of the SOL Mandala, which we symbolize with two golden intertwined hearts. These hearts represent God’s Love for mankind. In the SOL Religion, we define God’s Love as the different planes of energy embedded in nature that our body uses to process energy. Each of these dimensions of energy, constitutes a separate Journey. So there is a Journey of Divinity, Journey of Consciousness, Journey of Spirit, Journey of the Soul, Journey of Mankind (Mental), Journey of the Heart (Emotions) and a Journey of Peace (Physical). The Journeys cover the themes of love, light, life and living as well as the topics of God’s Love, God’s Commandments, God’s Archetypes, God’s Magic, The Way to Empowerment, The Path to Enlightenment, The Holy Grail and the Love and Peace Platform. The components of the Journeys come from the SOL’s 64 Love and Peace Scriptures that are oganized by the flow of energy in nature (Tao) that we define as love, light, life and living )11:11.

The SOL Journeys

The SOL Religion One Love is about the Bible and The Tao. It is about the ancient Gods called the Anunnaki and the modern day interpretations of how to use energy for health, happiness and well being. Its focus is on developing your potential, not worshiping Ancient Gods or religion in the traditional sense. It got its name from your core star of light near located near the center of your body that connects you to God, the God that put energy into the universe. This SOL fuels your hara, which the soul uses to incarnate, place its life’s lessons in your chest, develop its will in your tan tien center near you belly button and grounds itself into Mother Earth. We define spirituality as the use of energy for health, happiness and well being, which are the major components of developing your potential. It defines God’s Love as the energy God Our Creator put into the universe that we study through our SOL, Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, Mental, Emotional and Physical dimensions of our makeup.The first two SOL workshops are Genesis, The Beginning, where we talk about the beginning of earth, the Ancient Gods, the homo sapiens species and the Bible. The second workshop is Exodus – Freedom, whereby we break with our past and use the different concepts of energy to free ourselves so that we can focus on our interaction with nature and not worship Gods who are no longer here.

V-Map stands for vision, mission, action and product and V-Map manuals are used to present the SOL Religion’s philosophy. V-Map is the flow of energy in the intentional, mental, emotional and physical dimensions. In the SOL Religion, One Love, we call it 11:11 which stands for love, light, life and living. Ultimately, it is God’s beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behavior. It is the SOL’s SOS, which is its spiritual and social operating systems. We use this formate for each of the workshops and journeys in the SOL Religion. There are seventeen workshops. Seven are fundamental workshops and seven are journeys. There are three workshops that come from the SOL Story, The Path to God and Path to Personal Development. All of the workshops embrace the flow of energy for health, happiness and well being that we define as spirituality.. The Fundamentals give us the basic concepts that create the foundation for the SOL religion and the Journeys present the concepts of our SOL, Consciousness, Spirit, Soul and the body’s Mental, Emotional and Physical dimensions. The initial workshops are taught by Ken Kreger and will be expanded to include comment from participants, leaders, instructors and other people who contribute to its every expanding universe of knowledge. Each workshop will have materials that supplement the V-MAP instruction manuals that complement the materials presented. As one completes the fourteen workshops, they can qualify to be a SOL Instructor and a member of the organization’s structure. If one is interested in participating in any of the workshops or writing materials, they should contact The SOL of Light organization. We are open to compensating individuals or organization that contribute to development of the materials, organizations, rituals, healings, etc. and we will help in publishing the materials with profit splitting as part of the SOL Publishing Company.

Our SOL Connections

The Fundamentalsof the SOL Religion center around the two Gods that interact in our lives. These are the Gods in the Bible and God Our Creator, who put energy into the universe. Ultimately, the success of the SOL Religion will be its ability to educate and develop its members so that each person become empowered with its philosophy, the tools of the Holy Grail and be able to participate in the Love and Peace Patform. To accoumplish this, one has to gain a basic knowledge of the principles of energy that are relevant to learning about your body and how to use energy for health, happiness and well being. We start at the beginning of our species and detail how we developed. Then we explore the flow of energy in the componentws of the SOL’s Spiritual and Soical Operating Systems (SOS) that we indentify by 11:11. 11:11 can stand fro God’s Beliefs, God’s Thoughts, God’s Feelings and God’s Behavior, which is our equavalent to love, light, life and lving.

The SOL Journeys

The SOL Practices consist of applying the principles of 11:11 for personal development. We present this exploration through seven Journeys that are symbolized by a concept from the SOL Mandala embedded in two golden intertwined inverted hearts. These hearts mean that we are a product of God’s energy as we all have God within us. Access God within us is one of the goals of the SOL Journeys that explore God’s Love, God’s Commandments, God’s Archetypes, God’s Magic, The Way to Empowerment, The Path to Enlightenment,The Holy Grail and The Love and Peace Patform. In exploring these journeys, we will learn the SOL Tools in the Holy Grail and the 64 themes in the Love and Peace Scriptures. There will rituals, mediations and healing techniques that will be presented as well as the ingredients for a SOL Lifestyle that will help you develop your potentail based on how your body processes energy.

The SOL Star : The Gods In The Bible

This workshop looks at the Gods in the Bible and how the Homo Sapiens species started by Enki, one of the Anunnaki who gave us his DNA. We were created to be slaves and mind gold and this mentality has stayed with us to this date. We will explore how we have picked up their controlling beliefs and learned to worshiped them through the different religions and values that they embraced. The basic concepts come from Zecharia Sitchin’s The Earth Chronicles and Sasha & Janet Lessin’s The Anunnaki Series. These are supplemented by ancient Mesopotamia and Egyptian texts and cunniform tablets in numerous museums throughout the world.

The Journey of Divinity

Here we explore God Our Creator and the different dynamics of energy that create who we are based on our level of consciousness that we can use to develop our spirit. It is through the development of our energy that develop our potential. We will use many of the teachings of Barbara Ann Brennan and her Hands of Light and Light Emerging books. We will explore BioGeometry and the different subtle energy fields that create the electromagnetic body that we possess in the physical world. We will explore our Star of Light (SOL) and how its energy fuels our hara so that the soul can incarnate, bring in its life’s lessons, will and ground itself in Mother Earth. We will look at our chakra system and how it manifests our body.

The SOL OS: Love, Light, Life, Living (11:11)

We will explore the beginning of the SOL Religion with the Harmonic Convergence August 17, 1987 and how we got the interdimensional portal 11:11, which stands for the first letters of love, light, life and living. We will then go 25 years later to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, which was the constellation named after Enki who created our species. Earth was also named after him. We associate 11:11 with the flow of energy embedded in nature with God Our Creator’s intentions, manifesting as the mental, emotional and physical planes of energy. We will explore how this flow of energy became the SOL OS, abbreviated SOS operating system to help us align our energy with consciousness, spirit, soul and body.l

The Journey of Consciousness

The theme of consciousness is developed from the works of C. W. Leadbeater and his descriptions of the different planes of energy embedded in nature. He has written numerous books on the structure of energy called the Logos that set the framework for developing this topic. This is supplemented by teachings of and its founder Robert Gilbert and the principles and pratices of BioGeometry, that were developed by Ibrahim Karim. We explore the concept of numbers and sacred geometry have come from the Flower of Life workshops and authors like Clifford A Pickover and his numerous books. Philosophers such as Plato and Socrates are discussed as well as current discoveries in this area. Finally, we will look in depth at the Human Map of Consciousness developed by David Hawkins.

Love - God’s Love & God’s Commandments

The basic foundation for the SOL Religion is the different levels of energy that we call our SOL, Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, Mental, Emotional and Physical Dimensions. These energy concepts help us understand the nature of our body and what we are dealing with from an absolute perspective. For each dimension of energy there are 11:11 components that help us explore these concepts. The best use of each level of energy is call God’s Commandments. These Commandments are totally different than the Biblcal Commandments which were designed to honor the Anunnaki Gods. The SOL’s Commandments honor the God (energy) within you. Each is designed to help you further your development through the use of energy with the goal of having your obtain love and peace in your lives.

The Journey of Spirit

In the SOL Religion, spirit is God’s energy. We explore this through concepts that develop your potential through the use of energy such as Jerry Tenant’s books on Healting is Voltage. We will look at what creates energy in your body and how it moves through your facia and ultimately into the mitocondria of your cells. We will explore subtle energy which is your aura and how it produces electromagnetic energy. We will look at different energy modalities and healing from PEMF mats, music, vibration, foods, Deuterium depleted water, ritual, mediations, energy machines and the importance of food, rest, exercise, meditation, coherence, etc. Your spirit is controllecd by your level of consciousness and the more aware of your body and how it operates, the better able you are to develop your spirit.

Light - God’s Archetypes & God’s Magic

To gain insight into what God put into the universe and how your body funcdtions in the physical plane, we look at the concept of numbers, the energy arrangements of sacred geometry and our biolgocial connection to the cosmos. To make this a managable process, we explore the numbers from 1 to 8, the corresponding sacred geoemtry structures of the circle, crescent, triangle, square, pentagram, hexagram, heart and star tetrahedron and our cosmic connections to the sun, moon, heaven and earth. We will explore some other concepts like phi, God’s Divince Code, the five Platonic Solids from which all structures originate and how the interaction between the sun and moon, dictate numerous cycles in our lives life birthdays, rituals, the seasons, the tides and how the moon affects the woman cycles.

The Journey of The Soul

In this Journey, we will explore the soul world and the process of incarnation. We will look at past lives and life between life Journeys, often referencing writers like Michael Newton and his Journey and Destiny of Soul books. We will explore what it takes to do past life regressions and life between life journeys. We will look at soul learning lessons and how past lives play out in this lifetime. The we will explore what is meant by soul maters. Then we wll learn how to access your higher self, connect with your elders, techers and Archangles. Then we will have you look at your life from the soul perspective whereby what is happening on earth is a result of our level of soul and the need for the soul to gain knowlege (energy) so that it can merge its energy with God. We will tie in the SOL Religion with how the soul has karma and darma and why the Church separated the soul from the body to gain contral and further their interest.

Life - The Way to Empowerment & The Path to Enlightenment

From the moment that we are born, our bodies starts adapting to the physical dimensions of the body, emotional feelings and the beliefs that are taught to us. Depending on what is the environment, the different levels of consciousness and the culture of those around us, we develop our skill set and become empowered in our circle of influence. However, there is often a better way to become empowered and develop your skill set, which is through education and learning how your body operates and processes energy. We call this empowerment. Then as one learns more and becomes aware of God Our Creator, the purpose of life and the soul, is to get closer to God. We call this enlightenment. You can do this through the practice of removing blockages, becoming whole through mediation and ritual, embracing your life’s learning lessons and basically letting love be your guide. This will set you up for a life of peace, which is the goal of the SOL Religion, One Love.

The Journey of Mankind (Mental/Beliefs)

We got our start from the Anunnaki and then picked up their beliefs which resulted in religion and many of the ways that we behave today. Examples of this are incest, war, control, fear and unfortunately a lack of repsect for life. The two families of Enki and Enlil fought each other continuaously and used mankind in battle. Many of us were killed and in the process, we are destroying our earth’s resources. They destroyed their planet Nibiru and are doing the same to our planet. When you add their beliefs to the ideas of Darwin and others, it seems that nature supports only the strongest and most cunning. Nothing can be further from the truth. Every cell in our body works unconditionally for the benefit of the body’s health. Every ecosysetm and animal is part of earth’s diversity and supports different balances in nature. So learning the nature of our beliefs and what we should believe in based on energy is the only way out of our current state of affairs.

Living - The Holy Grail & The Love and Peace Platform

The Holy Grail gives you eight tools based on the flow of energy embedded in nature that we call 11:11. They are: Making Things Work, Spiritual Values, All That You Can Be, One Simple Truth, The Magic Formulat, Finding True Meaning, Healing With Love and The Art of Creation. The Peace Platform explores the fact that we are all SOL Brothers and Sisters, there is a Universal Bill of Rights based on energy and our connection to God. Only through the use of high levels of consciousness can be become one with each other and God, that there are sensible spiritual practices that we can all follow, that we should see the world through the soul perspective and embrace our soul guides, mates, elders, teachers and archangles. Live should center around God based rituals that enhance our energy through our connection to the cosmos that includes food, exercise, rest and relationships. That we should embody Love Practices and use Peace Principles in everything that we do. This is our definition of living.

The Journey of the Heart (Emotions/Love)

The heart works unconditionally for the benefit of our body’s well being. This process defines love and how we should behave. We us a lot of HeartMath’s findings on how the heart works, with its toroidal energy field sensing the world around us and transmiting instantanious information to every part of the body. This employs the concept of oneness, where we as a body are one. With the heart, we have the ability to transcend the separation of the ego from God and each other. When the heart is coherent, we are in sync with nature and this enables the brain and our thoughts to be in alignment with the best things to do in any situation. It is the intelligence of the heart, that connects us to God and each other. As we explore energy in motion, the definition of emotion, we find that how we interepret our senses and what is happening in our environment, has a lot to do with our levels of consciousness, spirit and soul. We symbolize this with the unity know that merges together our mental, emotional and physical energies into one.

The Love & Peace Scriptures

We live in a pretty unconscious world. We believe in Ancient Gods that gave us civilization and their behavior. We treat each other with numerous atrocities and we are destroying animal life and ecosystems at an ever increasing pace. What will stop this process? Our belief is that we need a new belief system that everyone can subscribe to. One that cover’s everybody and is independent of age, gender, wealth, education, religion and political systems. The only thing that fits this bill is energy and its embedded principles and practices that can be used for improving our potential. To make this happen, we have put together a complete template for human life that embraces love and peace. It is called the Love & Peace Scriptures and it can be used for both personal development and social interaction. Since it is based on energy and how our body was designed to process it, we call it a spiritual operating system that can be used for a universal social operating system. That is waht the SOL Religion is all about.

The Journey of Peace (Physical/Behavior)

Many o f us define peace as no conflict or war. However, in the SOL Religion, we expand this to being in alignment with nature. What this means, is that you are in a peaceful state when you are using energy based on the way that your body has been designed. This definition allows us to individually define peace as a state of being. You can’t get to this state without going through the portal of love and unconditionality. Love and peace are the end goals of the SOL Religion, One Love, even though there are many more higher levels of consciousness, but that is not what we need on earth because anyone being at peace, may want to leave their body and join their friends in the soul world, and we have decided to incarnate and be present at this time in earth’s evolution and mankind’s behavior. All the great religions preach peace as well as most politicians. How to get there requires a knowledge of the Tao and our biology. It also requires an expanded awareness of what is going on that comes from consciousness and the ability to think for your self.